How to Strengthen Your Vagus Nerve: Part Two - Proven Techniques for Improved Health and Wellbeing
The vagus nerve is the most important regulator of the nervous system and all systems in the body. Read Part One for an introduction to...

Understanding Pelvic Pain and Prostatitis: Effective Treatment Options
Up to 88% of men with pelvic pain have pelvic floor myalgia (muscle pain) and pelvic floor dysfunction (Urology, 1999). Despite this...

Behind the Scenes: A Patient's Guide to Receiving Treatment at Healthy Core
If you have received traditional physical therapy, you may have been interviewed about your condition in an open gym environment. In a...

Understanding the Role of Gut Inflammation on Core Health (Part One)
A healthy core has a lot to do with digestive health as muscles cannot be healthy if there is inflammation within the digestive tract or...

The Origin Story of Healthy Core: Overcoming Obstacles in Pelvic Health
"I have a dream!" In 2009, I left a stable hospital position to follow a dream; an ideal where there would be a space for women to heal...

Healing Chronic Myofascial Pain
Recently I was made aware of a viewpoint when discussing Pain Awareness Month with a patient. She claimed that being aware of her pain...

Boost Your Immune System With Three Simple Steps
Spending time indoors can be a threat to our immune system, whether you live in a hot climate and are spending more time in air...

Reduce Inflammation with Dry Needling
Dry Needling therapy is increasing in popularity as more individuals are experiencing the benefit of this ground-breaking modality for...

Top Ten Reasons To Learn Visceral Mobilization
I recently attended Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute's Level II Visceral Mobilization ​class in Columbus, Ohio, along...

Finding the Right Core Physical Therapist
Welcome to the Healthy Core blog, written for the many individuals who wish to be better informed about how to recover from pregnancy,...